In a post-apocalyptic world where portals invite the supernatural, a high school girl attempts to live a normal life after becoming a human-wulver hybrid. In other words, the first werewolf.
S1 Ep1 (1/96)
Between Light and Shadow
Created by
LittleDevil-888 on
Last Updated: 01/07/2023 (Final Edit)
First Created: 06/05/2019
I am a digital artist as well. I did the cover art and have a lot more on my Deviant Art here:
Or you can keep a closer eye on the project on the Patreon page. Most of the posts are free to view and episodes 1-12 are freely available. Here:
Overall, this is a great premise and the universe fits well, much to the credit of well-written action descriptions. I would definitely consider holding off on her transformation until the very end of the script. That way we get a cliff-hanger that makes us want to see the next episode.
After escaping from planet Easter, Sprinkles and Chee-Chee begin their long journey to reach Earth. Unfortunately, they are interrupted by a massive black hole.
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