Scripts tagged #werewolf
Genre: Animation,Comedy,Drama
A mischievous high school student faces a chaotic new reality after a horrific creature known as a wulver leaves her with the ability to become a wulver herself. Now she and her two best friends struggle for survival as maintaining this secret means keeping herself alive.
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5 years ago | reviews | 32 pages
Genre: Comedy,Drama,Animation
A mischievous high school student faces a chaotic new reality after a horrific creature known as a wulver leaves her with the ability to become a wulver herself. Now she and her two best friends struggle for survival as maintaining this secret means keeping herself alive.
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5 years ago | reviews | 32 pages
Genre: Animation,Comedy,Drama
A mischievous high school student faces a chaotic new reality after a horrific creature known as a wulver leaves her with the ability to become a wulver herself. Now she and her two best friends struggle for survival as maintaining this secret means keeping herself alive.
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5 years ago | reviews | 41 pages
Genre: Drama,Sci-Fi/Fantasy
After discovering the truth, two free werecats set out to alter the future of their kind. Forcing them to question their beliefs, create an uncomfortable alliance with the cities vampires and challenge the legitimacy of their leaders.
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5 years ago | reviews | 46 pages
Genre: Horror,Mystery/Suspense
They were once sentinels that protected humanity. That era is over. The werewolf apocalypse has begun.
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5 years ago | 1 reviews | 60 pages
Genre: Horror
They were once sentinels to protect humanity. That era is over. The werewolf apocalypse has begun.
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5 years ago | reviews | 72 pages
Genre: Horror
They were once sentinels to protect humanity. That era is over. The werewolf apocalypse has begun.
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5 years ago | reviews | 75 pages
Genre: Horror
They were once sentinels to protect humanity. That era is over. The werewolf apocalypse has begun.
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5 years ago | 1 reviews | 75 pages
Genre: Horror
They were once sentinels to protect humanity. That era is over. The werewolf apocalypse has begun.
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4 years ago | reviews | 89 pages
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy
When a vampire is ambushed and wakes up to find his father killed and brother taken captive by werewolves he sets out to save his brother and stop the wolves from bringing back the dark ages.
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2 years ago | reviews | 11 pages
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy
When a vampire is ambushed and wakes up to find his father killed and brother taken captive by werewolves he sets out to save his brother and stop the wolves from bringing back the dark ages.
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2 years ago | reviews | 11 pages
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy
When a vampire is ambushed and wakes up to find his father killed and brother taken captive by werewolves he sets out to save his brother and stop the wolves from bringing back the dark ages.
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2 years ago | 1 reviews | 14 pages
Genre: Animation,Drama,Sci-Fi/Fantasy
In a post-apocalyptic world where portals invite the supernatural, a high school girl attempts to live a normal life after becoming a human-wulver hybrid. In other words, the first werewolf.
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1 year ago | 2 reviews | 25 pages
Genre: Animation,Drama,Sci-Fi/Fantasy
In a post-apocalyptic world where portals invite the supernatural, a high school girl attempts to live a normal life after becoming a human-wulver hybrid. In other words, the first werewolf.
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1 year ago | reviews | 38 pages



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