An idealistic social worker matches wits with a depressed young man, refusing to let him commit suicide, until he receives the antidepressants and counseling he needs to once again live his life.
Cliff is extremely depressed. He's lost his job, apartment and girlfriend. Bills are piling up and he has no money to pay them. As a final blow to his ego, he must return to live with his mother. Feeling hopeless, he feels the only way out is suicide.
Cliff attempts to kill himself by drowning and fails. But, on the rescue team is an idealistic social worker, Hope.
Cliff is committed to a psychiatric ward for 72 hours where Hope works. She stays with him for days. But, the first time she takes a break, Cliff attempts suicide via swallowing while restrained to the bed and under 24 a day suicide watch. Again, he fails.
Per the law, Cliff attends a commitment hearing. Hope fights to keep him committed but the incompetence of the psychiatrist and judge results in his discharge despite the fact he remains a danger to himself.
Still depressed, Cliff fakes taking his medication and attempts suicide by hanging. Hope, who has been following up with him via home visits discovers his plan at the last possible second. She saves him during his suicide attempt.
Cliff is once again committed to the psychiatric ward. This time he is not prematurely discharged. He takes his medication and attends group and individual therapy with Hope.
Ultimately, Cliff goes on to live a full and happy life.
All in all, this was a decent dark drama about depression and the struggles with it. I enjoyed reading it for sure, I would mainly recommend going more in depth with Hope's and Carl's mom's characters so that people can be more invested in them and their relationship with Carl. Hopefully my feedback will help with future revisions. Good luck!
overall, the script is very dramatic and has a clear, meaningful message. I feel like there are so many ways to communicate this message, but would suggest being less on the surface, and try to add more dimensional layers to this very complicated and sensitive issue.
A family of three goes to the beach for a day. As day progresses, we watch the family gradually grow older, forcing the Mother to come to grips with reality of time...
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