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Screenplay Cover Image for There is hope>
Category: Short
Logline: Passionate graduate looking for a job, but giving up after an interview
Screenplay Cover Image for There is hope>
Category: Short
Logline: Passionate graduate looking for a job, but giving up after an interview
Screenplay Cover Image for There is hope>
Category: Short
Logline: Passionate graduate looking for a job, but giving up after an interview
Screenplay Cover Image for VOICELESS VOICES>
Category: Short
Logline: When hallucinatory voices demand another politically motivated murder, a prolific serial killer fights his insanity to save the sweet young child he's been staking and destined to kill.
Screenplay Cover Image for HELP SPRINGS ETERNAL>
Category: Short
Logline: An idealistic social worker matches wits with a depressed young man, refusing to let him commit suicide, until he receives the antidepressants and counseling he needs to once again live his life.
Screenplay Cover Image for I PENITENT>
Category: Short
Logline: Parker grieves the loss of his friend to suicide.