The storyline, flashbacks, and progression of the script is incredibly unique and well-written, and gives the reader a thrill and better understanding of what is happening through the proper use of the elements of the screenplay. The story is also incredibly interesting, mind-gripping, leaving the reader at the edge of their seat at all times, and the characters have a lot of depth and development to them, which makes them more human and relatable. However, the structure of the script can be questionable, as it is relatively disorganized compared to traditionally ordinary scripts, however this could add to the uniqueness of the script. Unfortunately, it can also serve as confusion to the reader. The dialogue is also largely generic, basic, and lacks proper grammar, such as when a character named Anna says "Don't say like that", which is inherently incorrect grammar, and may interfere with the professionality of the script. Make sure instead of generic and basic dialogue, you spice it up a little, and make the dialogue more thoughtful so that characters become more complex and increase their depth. Finally, the format closely follows that of all scripts, which is ideal, however the lack of proper structure and incredibly large number of pages could interfere with the reader's interest in the story, which would be unfortunate, as the story itself is undoubtedly advanced, unique, and all around amazing to read. The script could be rewritten to correct the errors previously mentioned, or you could brainstorm over any number of ways to add a structure to this screenplay, maybe consider something beyond the three act structure, as the further the scope, the more unique, diverse and interesting the script will be. Besides that, I do believe that your script is extraordinarily interesting, unique, and is very promising due to its proper storyline and format, so just improve it by a little bit, and it will be amazing.