Mike Wheeler

Mike W.

Fade In
Reviewer Rating


Fear Draft #1 short

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As Malachey is being laughed at, something unusual happens within her, which causes her to avoid school at all cost.
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Mike Wheeler 1 year ago

just purchased a review. Claim it here

Fear cover image
Fear short
Genre: Drama,Family
As Malachey is being laughed at, something unusual happens within her, which causes her to avoid school at all cost.

MikeWheeler profile pic
Mike Wheeler 2 years ago

just purchased a review. Claim it here

Fear cover image
Fear short
Genre: Drama,Family
As Malachey is being laughed at, something unusual happens within her, which causes her to avoid school at all cost.

MikeWheeler profile pic
Mike Wheeler 2 years ago

just claimed a review for a script.

The Nights That Were cover image
The Nights That Were feature
Genre: Mystery/Suspense,Thriller,Drama
A grieving writer stands on the point of giving everything up, including his own life. Then a mysterious hotel comes calling. Could the hotel give him the inspiration he desperately seeks? Could it bring him joy again? The UnDying Craven opens it's doors.

MikeWheeler profile pic
Mike Wheeler 2 years ago

uploaded a script.

Fear cover image
Fear short
Genre: Drama,Family
As Malachey is being laughed at, something unusual happens within her, which causes her to avoid school at all cost.

MikeWheeler profile pic
Mike Wheeler 2 years ago

just joined ScriptMother!