In a post-apocalyptic world where portals invite the supernatural, a high school girl attempts to live a normal life after becoming a human-wulver hybrid. In other words, the first werewolf.
In a post-apocalyptic world where portals invite the supernatural, a high school girl attempts to live a normal life after becoming a human-wulver hybrid. In other words, the first werewolf.
Genre: Animation,Drama,Sci-Fi/Fantasy In a post-apocalyptic world where portals invite the supernatural, a high school girl attempts to live a normal life after becoming a human-wulver hybrid. In other words, the first werewolf.
Genre: Animation,Drama,Sci-Fi/Fantasy In a post-apocalyptic world where portals invite the supernatural, a high school girl attempts to live a normal life after becoming a human-wulver hybrid. In other words, the first werewolf.
Genre: Animation,Drama,Sci-Fi/Fantasy In a post-apocalyptic world where portals invite the supernatural, a high school girl attempts to live a normal life after becoming a human-wulver hybrid. In other words, the first werewolf.
Genre: Drama,Mystery/Suspense A bullied boy finds solace talking to the girl next door, unaware that something sinister is happening over the garden fence.
Genre: Action/Adventure,Horror,Comedy After getting fed up with evil winning in the end of horror movies, a man decides to take matters into his own hands.
Genre: Animation,Comedy,Drama A mischievous high school student faces a chaotic new reality after a horrific creature known as a wulver leaves her with the ability to become a wulver herself. Now she and her two best friends struggle for survival as maintaining this secret means keeping herself alive.
Genre: Comedy,Drama,Animation A mischievous high school student faces a chaotic new reality after a horrific creature known as a wulver leaves her with the ability to become a wulver herself. Now she and her two best friends struggle for survival as maintaining this secret means keeping herself alive.
Genre: Animation,Comedy,Drama A mischievous high school student faces a chaotic new reality after a horrific creature known as a wulver leaves her with the ability to become a wulver herself. Now she and her two best friends struggle for survival as maintaining this secret means keeping herself alive.