Genre: Horror After being stiffed, an unhinged waitress, hellbent on revenge, torments the customer who didn't tip her and his surprisingly resourceful family. "Don't Breathe" meets "Joker".
Genre: Drama,Comedy,Family Welcome to Tidal High, where drama is always happing. Follow along with Jacob, Mason, Holly and Ruby as they navigate their way through high school with their teacher Courtney Garcia.
Genre: Comedy,Romance,Mystery/Suspense Plans and fantasies have one thing in common, they aren’t going to happen exactly as you planned. Rosh and Sal collectively learn this as they realize how struggles and setbacks can fuel a lot of change, even in the span of a few months.
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy,Thriller,Action/Adventure Lord Malcolm continues to capture Jedi from across the galaxy which causes Master Oscar and his Padawan Connor to go into hiding on the Planet Soiven. Meanwhile Master Marc Kena and his Padawan Chelsea Wilson search for the ancient Jedi and Sith scriptures before the Empire finds them