Heather Lam

Heather L.

Establishing Shot
Reviewer Rating


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Heather Lam 4 years ago

completed a review for

Tidal High cover image
Tidal High television
Genre: Drama,Comedy,Family
Rating: 20%
A drama/comedy set in a high school is not new, and this particular script reminds me of the TV show Glee - the juxtoposition between the popularity of the cheerleaders and a cheerleading coach with suspicious motives, and the earnest yet shrewd drama teacher that leads the school's musical production, reminds us of the dynamic that was one of the main tenets of Glee. As such, the characters did not seem fairly original. None of them had any discernable traits which made me want to get to know them better. While I appreciate the author's efforts in trying to portray well-rounded, 3-dimensional characters, right from the start, it was particularly difficult to relate to the 3 cheerleaders as I did not know what they were each supposed to represent. The banter and relationship between the 3 of them were also rather dull. The Jackie-Courtney dynamic was the most interesting part of the story and I would have liked to see it further developed. Is Jackie genuinely trying to help Courtney? Or does she have ulterior motives? The dialogue felt stunted and unnatural at several points. Attempting 'Hamilton' with a bunch of theatre newbies also seemed too unrealistic. Given that it's a script for a TV pilot, perhaps the author was trying to do too much by introducing too many characters. It would have been better to focus on a few characters and build the plot around them - this would also give the readers a clearer understanding on what is central to the story and what is peripheral. Overall, the script requires greater clarity on which story it wants as a central tenet. This will help readers understand which characters to root for.

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Heather Lam 4 years ago

just claimed a review for a script.

Tidal High cover image
Tidal High television
Genre: Drama,Comedy,Family
Welcome to Tidal High, where drama is always happing. Follow along with Jacob, Mason, Holly and Ruby as they navigate their way through high school with their teacher Courtney Garcia.

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Heather Lam 4 years ago

just claimed a review for a script.

World's oldest virgin cover image
World's oldest virgin short
Genre: Drama
A mentally ill woman hears voices in her head and acts on it.

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Heather Lam 4 years ago

just joined ScriptMother!