Concept- Great use of an underused period of time and location. Very little stories show history from a Spanish oriented POV around this period of time. I enjoyed being able to see a well known event such as the Alamo being told from a different point of view and I think that audiences will as well.
Story- Again, much the same as your concept, I think the story is incredibly unique and engaging. Very well done. I think that the story overall would benefit from fleshing out the characters a bit more and giving each one their own voice but I will discuss that when we get to dialogue.
Structure- Your formatting, on the whole, is very solid. I would advise you to keep you transitions to a minimum however. I noticed several instances of "FADE IN" and
"FADE OUT" being used. While this isn't necessarily a bad thing, it is a slightly outdated style. My biggest gripe however came from your scene slugs. Whenever the time of day changes in the scene, it is still necessary to provide the ENTIRE slug rather than just LATER which I found come up several times. I completely understand the logic in the way you did these scenes, however it did make for a slightly confusing read at first until I realized what was happening.
Character Development- This is an area that could use a bit more work. I could see as the script progressed, your style becoming more refined, however more work should be done on developing characters early and giving them their own unique voice. Flesh them out more and give them personalities. Doing so will add a whole new layer of relatability and heart to your over all story.
Dialogue- In the same vain as character development, more work can be done here. Try to find each characters unique voice. Write each character in a way that the reader wouldn't need to read the character cue to know who is talking. Listen to the way other people speak and the subtle differences in speech, word choice and verbal ticks. Doing this will help round out your characters.
You should be proud of what you have accomplished with this draft. It was a truly enjoyable read and I would love to see this see the light of day. Best of luck in all your endeavors.