Concept/Story/Structure: To start off, I am not sure what benefit is derived by posting an obviously incomplete script, however feedback is feedback and so I will do my best to comment upon what was submitted without the benefit of reading the rest of the story. Starting off with concept we have a person waking up on an island with no memory only to discover that she is not the only one who has suffered that same fate. Ok, then what? Where is the conflict? Where is the character development? Why do I want to keep watching? The story should grab the viewer in the 1st 10 pages and yet this does not. Much of the development set forth should probably be reduced to maybe 4-7 pages so that an inciting incident can be scripted to occur by page 10 that would serve to propel the story forward.
Character Development: At the outset I am troubled by the fact that there is no description of GAIA , who (I have to guess at this point) is the protagonist. This lack of description is compounded by the fact that the promoun "they" is used in reference to GAIA, making the character(s) all the more indecipherable. As a visual medium, a movie, through its script, needs to convey what we are seeing on the screen. Your descriptions of action however seem to be more cerebral. For example, this paragraph of action "Gaia falls silent as they try to think hard hoping that they did know their name but nothing came to mind. They look troubled but takes a moment to return the gentle characteristic that Nine has back by asking their own questions." boils down to "Gaia is thinking." Having quoted that paragraph, I would also emphasize how annoying it is to keep having to read the pronoun "they". I say that without wanting to appear insensitive or not politically corect, but from a practical reader's standpoint it does make the reading comprehension much more difficult. The descriptions associated with the other characters also need further development Nine - "a middle-aged women"; Seven - "A very young boy"; Five & Six - " Two almost similar people" - as a reader of this script I am not very able to picture these people.
Dialogue: The dialoge has a bit of a forced feeling and much of the dialogue doesn't really move the story forward.