Comicvs Brooks

Comicvs B.

Pivotal Scene
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A dejected story analyst learns what it means to use your head, follow your heart and have the courage to take a worthy risk.
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Cache Draft #2 feature

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A down on his luck storage worker sets out to steal a horde of cash suspected to be in the unit of a shady televangelist.
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Ginger has to flee to the Last Frontier when her boyfriend Freddy rips of his mob boss, a Colombian cartel, and a Pakistani pimp with poppy connections whose interests all intersect Alaska.
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In World War II, George Gallant and The Newsreel Rejects must save the world from Viktor Von Kaiser, a sinister figure controlling the fate of nations.
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Suburban residents form a Neighborhood Watch after a string of burglaries and watch more of each other than the neighborhood.
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Nest Egg Draft #1 feature

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A retired contractor with tax problems discovers a buried treasure he's been living above for years.
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In a zombie outbreak, it's up to one tenacious mail carrier to deliver the city's salvation. Rain, sleet, snow, zombies, or hail, nothing stops the U.S. Mail.
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Comicvs Brooks 1 year ago

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Priority Mail cover image
Priority Mail feature
Genre: Comedy,Horror
In a zombie outbreak, it's up to one tenacious mail carrier to deliver the city's salvation. Rain, sleet, snow, zombies, or hail, nothing stops the U.S. Mail.

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Comicvs Brooks 1 year ago

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Priority Mail cover image
Priority Mail feature
Genre: Comedy,Horror
In a zombie outbreak, it's up to one tenacious mail carrier to deliver the city's salvation. Rain, sleet, snow, zombies, or hail, nothing stops the U.S. Mail.

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Comicvs Brooks 1 year ago

just purchased a review. Claim it here

Nest Egg cover image
Nest Egg feature
Genre: Crime,Comedy
A retired contractor with tax problems discovers a buried treasure he's been living above for years.

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Comicvs Brooks 1 year ago

just purchased a review. Claim it here

Nest Egg cover image
Nest Egg feature
Genre: Crime,Comedy
A retired contractor with tax problems discovers a buried treasure he's been living above for years.

ComicvsBrooks profile pic
Comicvs Brooks 1 year ago

uploaded a script.

Priority Mail cover image
Priority Mail feature
Genre: Comedy,Horror
In a zombie outbreak, it's up to one tenacious mail carrier to deliver the city's salvation. Rain, sleet, snow, zombies, or hail, nothing stops the U.S. Mail.

ComicvsBrooks profile pic
Comicvs Brooks 1 year ago

uploaded a script.

Nest Egg cover image
Nest Egg feature
Genre: Crime,Comedy
A retired contractor with tax problems discovers a buried treasure he's been living above for years.

ComicvsBrooks profile pic
Comicvs Brooks 1 year ago

just claimed a review for a script.

Spiritual Awakening cover image
Spiritual Awakening feature
Genre: Drama,Thriller,Romance
Through the trials and tribulations of being a teenage drug-dealer in the South-side of Chicago, Edris Johnson repents and gives his life to Christ.

ComicvsBrooks profile pic
Comicvs Brooks 1 year ago

just claimed a review for a script.

MeatGrinder cover image
MeatGrinder television
Genre: Horror,Crime
Sometimes violence is the only answer