clark ratliff

clark r.

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An actress turned vigilante hunts down a rapist, afterwards, her sister falls for a club owner caught in the wake.
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clark ratliff 5 years ago

just claimed a review for a script.

The Dukes of 1010 cover image
The Dukes of 1010 short
Genre: Comedy,Crime
3 freinds, one who's fed up with an awful boss, one who wants to get the girl, and one with nothing better to do take matters into their own hands

clarkratliff profile pic
clark ratliff 5 years ago

just claimed a review for a script.

There is hope cover image
There is hope short
Genre: Drama
Passionate graduate who is looking for a job but gave up after a job interview

clarkratliff profile pic
clark ratliff 5 years ago

uploaded a script.

Life as a screenplay mini-series (WIP) cover image
Life as a screenplay mini-series (WIP) television
Genre: Drama,Action/Adventure
An actress turned vigilante hunts down a rapist, afterwards, her sister falls for a club owner caught in the wake.

clarkratliff profile pic
clark ratliff 5 years ago

just joined ScriptMother!