Alec Cuddeback
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Asteroid Draft #2 feature

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A young woman hopes a treasure bails out her failing spaceport. She joins space pirates bound for an asteroid and encounters danger and romance from a young scoundrel. “Treasure Island” in space.
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When a madman tries to overthrow the U.S. with the supernatural power of a Crucifixion relic, an athletic TV newsman uses his unusual talents to battle him, in action-packed confrontations and chases.
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Two zany songwriters join a tipsy Englishman, his daughter, and a goofy helicopter pilot, rob some con men, run into trouble, and wind up in a horse-drawn wagon chase through Mexico.
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AlecCuddeback profile pic
Alec Cuddeback 4 years ago

uploaded a script.

Going For Broke cover image
Going For Broke feature
Genre: Comedy,Action/Adventure
Two zany songwriters join a tipsy Englishman, his daughter, and a goofy helicopter pilot, rob some con men, run into trouble, and wind up in a horse-drawn wagon chase through Mexico.

AlecCuddeback profile pic
Alec Cuddeback 4 years ago

completed a review for

Have a Laugh (First Draft) cover image
Have a Laugh (First Draft) feature
Genre: Horror,Thriller
Rating: 33%
The beginning kind of grabs you. A mass killing at a diner. It stops just as the ax comes down again on another would-be victim. Then, everything becomes quite mundane. A loser at a loser job. Bitter. Bitching. Not really trying to be pleasant, though it's not easy with rotten parents, nasty customers and lazy coworkers. But, the reader must ask: Is Harold the main character? Is he destined to become like Jason or Michael Myers? Or Freddie? Is there a hero somewhere in the story? We don't know. The story is only 16 pages. It's barely set up, with another 75 pages or so yet to be written. Script readers scream about WHITE SPACE. At least, there aren't gigantic paragraphs with 6-8 lines each. For the most part, paragraphs are kept at three lines or less. Several screenwriting "rules" are broken. Most notable: Too much of the description (the non-dialogue portion) written in passive voice, not active voice. Which means too many ING words used. Instead of "ROGER (mid 20s), wearing the same uniform as Harold", it needs to read "ROGER (mid-20s) WEARS the same uniform as Harold. Everything has to be kept in SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE. Delete all the "ING" from all such verbs. It should be an easy fix. Use of adverbs should be avoided. Along with a search for "ING", do a second search for "LY" and edit or delete the adverbs. Script experts call adverbs an indication of lazy writing. How can you convey VISUALLY a sarcastic smile? SHOW DON'T TELL. A screenplay is NOT A NOVEL. How do you SHOW an “"Aw shit, here we go again” look? Describe it, don't state it. Does he rolls his eyes, scoff, look up at the ceiling, purse his lips...? Harold is IN his room? But, the scene heading never changes from HOUSE. Lazy. Several times the dialogue is too long, too many complete sentences. Most people speak in phrases, it sounds more natural, less stilted, and flows better for actors. WAY TOO MANY writer asides and comments, related to the SHOW, DON'T TELL. Biggest problem is Harold. Even if he becomes the central character, sort of a weird anti-hero like Jason, he should have a GRAIN OF SYMPATHY. He had a rough childhood, but he's portrayed as bitter, surly, disenchanted, and a crybaby. Not someone you could pull for, understand, or even half-justify snapping and becoming a murderer. Since the screenplay stops, and we already know how it sort of goes on from there, (actually we've known since the fourth page) we don't know exactly how the mayhem starts. Was it a prank gone wrong? Someone finally push Harold's buttons one too many times? Or did he just slip on the costume and grab an axe? I'd have to give an “INCOMPLETE” grade on this. Finally, there are several typos and probably others I missed. PROOFREAD YOUR WORK. And finish the script.

AlecCuddeback profile pic
Alec Cuddeback 4 years ago

just claimed a review for a script.

Have a Laugh (First Draft) cover image
Have a Laugh (First Draft) feature
Genre: Horror,Thriller
The torment was too much for him to handle, and now he's gonna make sure everyone has a jolly good time!

AlecCuddeback profile pic
Alec Cuddeback 4 years ago

just claimed a review for a script.

Varkazana Ascension cover image
Varkazana Ascension feature
Genre: Horror
They were once sentinels to protect humanity. That era is over. The werewolf apocalypse has begun.

AlecCuddeback profile pic
Alec Cuddeback 4 years ago

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Shadow Vile Figure (First Draft) cover image
Shadow Vile Figure (First Draft) feature
Genre: Action/Adventure,Animation,Thriller
Rating: 13%
Sorry, but I must be honest. This screenplay isn't very good. Lots of format errors, lazy writing, and almost entirely too much ON THE NOSE, with no nuances. It contains a huge amount of telegraphing and at times reads like a bible study class. There's practically zero character development. Just Johnny being converted to a "Christian", if you care to call that character development or growth. A tremendous amount of the plot has characters EXPLAINING what's going on and why it was happening. I've never been a fan of critics saying dialogue was "too much on the nose", but in this case, I am in agreement. Overly-long fight scene descriptions, in extremely long paragraphs. One reached twelve lines. Those fight action scenes are crowded and nearly impossible to read. Better to break up those long paragraphs. Think of when each different camera shot would change, then skip a line and begin another paragraph every time Try to keep each paragraph three lines or fewer. Characters seem too talky. Too many complete sentences, not enough realistic, natural-sounding phrases, like people actually speak. Too much telegraphing by Johnny's classmates. Again, "on the nose'. Far too much obvious exposition by them. Yak, yak, yak. Dialogue needs to be a lot more subtle. It sounds sophomoric. Sorry, but this really looks amateurish the way the dialogue and story runs. It reads as though you are MANSPLAINING the entire plot. Much too much back-and-forth dialogue that doesn't advance the story, just discussing and debating good and evil, Satan and God, Johnny's and Veronica's feelings, blah blah blah. Very very preachy. LOGIC GAP. Satan is the one who sent Johnny back to earth, with God's permission? To kill Christians? God agreed to that? Anyway, it makes sense that Satan can bring him back, correct? So, why the conflict? I read it through three times, but the very ending still makes absolutely no sense. I almost NEVER say this, and I've written a LOT of screenplay critiques. My recommendation: Stick it in your drawer for a few years. Or, just forget about it, chalk it up to a learning experience. STUDY about screenwriting. A lot. And write something else.

AlecCuddeback profile pic
Alec Cuddeback 4 years ago

just claimed a review for a script.

We'll Be Safe Up There cover image
We'll Be Safe Up There feature
Genre: Horror,Thriller
During the pandemic, a writer flees the city with his wife and brother to a cabin Upstate - and encounters a murderous cult.

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Alec Cuddeback 4 years ago

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The Klingsor Initiates cover image
The Klingsor Initiates feature
Genre: Action/Adventure
When a madman tries to overthrow the U.S. with the supernatural power of a Crucifixion relic, an athletic TV newsman uses his unusual talents to battle him, in action-packed confrontations and chases.

AlecCuddeback profile pic
Alec Cuddeback 4 years ago

just claimed a review for a script.

Shadow Vile Figure (First Draft) cover image
Shadow Vile Figure (First Draft) feature
Genre: Action/Adventure,Animation,Thriller
After dying in a car accident, Johnny Seth is about to face judgment, that is until Satan gets God's permission to bring Johnny back to life, only for his plan to go south.

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Alec Cuddeback 4 years ago

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The Klingsor Initiates cover image
The Klingsor Initiates feature
Genre: Action/Adventure
When a madman tries to overthrow the U.S. with the supernatural power of a Crucifixion relic, an athletic TV newsman uses his unusual talents to battle him, in action-packed confrontations and chases.

AlecCuddeback profile pic
Alec Cuddeback 4 years ago

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Asteroid cover image
Asteroid feature
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy
A young woman hopes a treasure bails out her failing spaceport. She joins space pirates bound for an asteroid and encounters danger and romance from a young scoundrel. “Treasure Island” in space.