Never write a script like a novel. When I write my books I write them with details, but in a script no. You lose the reader and audience. Nobody wants a long drawn script. If Jack is coming in the house, just say that. No need to put that Jack went passed a sofa or almost fell. Get to the details .
The chase scene across the savannah was a great hook. Who is the boy running from? Why are they chasing him? The fact that the pursuers are in a hovercraft told me this is a Syfy future story. The switch to AKUJI, WIFE, SON, and DAUGHTER was a nice transition until on page 2 Ayo, the boy was inserted into the story suddenly. I wondered why it was flowing smoothly until that moment. Is this the boy from the beginning of the story or the son of Aku...
An AI expert must use her lifetime's work to find a cure for a rabies outbreak, that threatens to push humanity to the edge of extinction. But can she save humanity from it's greatest threat - itself?
In the final chapter of the trilogy, the Rhodium Golems and the 5 Elements must stand together in order to thwart Sorina Manescu's plans to resurrect Project Athena and rule the world with an invisible hand.
A depressed young man sends himself back in time in order to avoid the consequences of a violent crime, only to find himself pursued by a vengeful corrupt cop.
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