Cover Image for To Be Named

To Be Named feature

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#Horror #Comedy #Mystery/Suspense

Horror fanatic Evie Carpenter and her friends become targets after a Scream obsessed serial killer decides to play with them. Can they survive? Can Evie perform her song at the music contest? More importantly can she love again?


ScriptMother Award Nominee Icon
Nominee Draft #1


3 Reviews | 165 pages | 2 years ago | Draft 1
This here is my love letter to the horror genre as a whole but mostly the slasher genre which I’ve been addicted to since an age which was far too young.
I just wanted to take the basis story of a slasher film lure you in and then do something that hasn’t been done much.

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Too much of this screenplay is social commentary and the writer showing off their love of pop culture which leaves little room for much of a movie at all. There are glimpses of skill from the writer in a few scenes so there is potential for an improved screenplay where there is more focus on the story and developing the characters.

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