The small town of Prescott, Arizona is about as quiet, lifeless, and devoid of wonder as any place in America can get. Police officer Emma Barnett, despite her prior fascination with life outside of Earth, has now been reduced to a downtrodden cop who's just getting by and going through the motions in life. But once she begins to experience potential alien activity, that spark of hope is reignited and she enlists the help of Tom Cameron, a local recluse living off-the-grid in the middle of the forest. Despite being at odds, the two begin to form a unique bond as they come together to investigate the strange happenings in their town.
It's a fun concept, with two interesting characters, but you lose tension once we find out the aliens are benign. Your two character relationship is the backbone of the story and can be developed more, you can even up the conflict by making them even more different.
A Scientist develops robotic high-tech technology for three everyday unsung Heroes; a Paraplegic, a Man born with no arms and no legs and a War Hero... who team up to combat the crimes of Steel Town.
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