30 years ago, during the fall of the Berlin wall, KGB operator Sergei Petranavich and his protege Elena Savitkova escape East Berlin. They escape with the help of Soviet officers and soldiers whom are subsequently executed by a mysterious figure after they escape.
30 years later, CIA agent Scott Carren learns of the apparent execution of Petranavich and the apparent death of Elena. He uncovers evidence of a sleeper implanted by the Russians for reasons he does not yet know. Is this part of a large scale KGB operation?
The format is wrong. You can download a free software like Trelby that will automatically generate anything you write into the correct format. Also at certain parts of the script I felt like I was reading a book instead of a script. For example “paranoid and watchful. A man who's lived his life walking a fine line of anonymity” and “He's not going to ask twice”. When a viewer watches the movie how will he know that this man has lived his life wa...
This script is truly powerful and engaging to the reader. It's structure makes it easy to read and understand as the story itself goes on. Information is dealt to the reader at the same time as it would to the potential viewer, therefore embracing the reader with the script.
A drawback is the cliché action scenes as most action movies include chases in subways; as well as cliché in the dramatic moment when Darren is shot. Many characters say t...
A novice contract killer, an amatuer cop and a series of events the leads them working together. This story explores the world of Australian gang crime from two perspectives with interesting conclusions.
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