Cover Image for Lana is alive

Lana is alive short

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#Sci-Fi/Fantasy #Drama

The first A.I. humanoid states her case in which her sole purpuse is to serve humans and nothing more ....




1 Reviews | 6 pages | 11 months ago | Draft 1
A.i. now has a physical form available for purchase. Who determins if this is indeed good for man kind?

Industry Reviews

Overall, I think you have a great angle on the subject of robots vs humans. The central idea of your script is the question of whether robots can feel, and the story itself revolves around the first purchasable AI robot.

One of the issues I would suggest focusing on is the Interviewer's character, and how he doesn't really undergo any clear change throughout the script. He more or less stays the same from beginning to end, so something needs t...

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