After a string of gruesome killings in Cleveland during the Great Depression, an alcoholic surgeon is interrogated for days on end by a law enforcement officer with a legendary reputation.
Former medical surgeon, Great War veteran, and alcoholic Francis Sweeney is abducted off the streets of Cleveland during the Great Depression. He awakens three days later in a hotel room where he is interrogated by Lt. David Cowels and court psychiatrist Dr. Royal Grossman as a prime suspect as the Torso Murderer.
After yielding no confession from Sweeney, Cowels and Grossman bring in their boss, former prohibition agent Eliot Ness. Ness is accompanied by Dr. Leonard Keeler who uses the new device, a polygraph machine. Sweeney is interrogated again with the polygraph.
After reading the results of the polygraph, Keeler concludes that Sweeney failed the test. Yet due to no concrete evidence, Ness lets Sweeney walk.
Two days later Sweeney checks himself in to a mental hospital. The killings stop in Cleveland.
Two years after Sweeney checked himself in, in the neighboring Pennsylvania a Railway worker discovers three bodies matching the M.O. of the Torso Murderer.
In a rain-soaked city, Kaleb's exchange in a dark alley triggers a year-long spiral of mysterious deaths, ominous symbols, and a chilling connection to an ancient mirror, forcing Jeremy and Pearl into a shadowy world of malevolence and sacrifice.
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