Frozen Freedom short

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Time freezes when Frank falls asleep which interests an underground government base


Winner Draft #1


1 Reviews | 13 pages | 5 months ago | Draft 3
Frank, a normal guy, has the ability that whenever he falls asleep time freezes.

Industry Reviews

Again, I feel like this needs to be a feature-length script. It has a good, solid concept and you can do so much more with morepages.

Overall, this is a very entertaining read, mainly due to the supernatural concept, as well as the scenes which rely heavily on showing your audience this alternate reality. I would suggest maybe delving deeper into Elise's development, and give the supernatural characters more pull with regard to steering the story toward the climax. Otherwise, a very solid script!

Peer Reviews

The script is a creative piece with an engaging concept and intriguing characters. The suggestions aim to enhance character presentation, deepen dialogue, and refine structure for a more cohesive and engaging narrative. With these modifications, the script has the potential to not only capture the audience's imagination but also explore deeper themes of ethics, identity, and the pursuit of knowledge.

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