Cover Image for Camp Carnage

Camp Carnage feature

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#Comedy #Horror

A teenage girl seeking closure after the loss of her sister falls for the notorious killer from her childhood summer camp.


ScriptMother Award Nominee Icon
Nominee Draft #1


3 Reviews | 93 pages | 1 year ago | Draft 1
After her younger sister dies, Candace is convinced the only way to feel normal again is to return to her old summer camp. While there, she comes face to face with a local murderer and quickly realizes he may be the only one who really "gets" her.

Industry Reviews

Overall, this was a decent campy horror comedy script. This felt like one of those turn-your-brain-off kinds of slasher scripts, which is not a bad thing at all because those can be very entertaining. But if you want your script to stand out above other camp slashers, I would recommend working more on fleshing out your story and your main characters before anything else I've listed.

Hopefully my feedback will be helpful for your future revisio...

Peer Reviews

Strong characterization. Followed the structure for a horror film. Needed more comedy.
The writer shows great promise. The story moved along at a brisk pace and didn't overstay its welcome. The concept delivered on the goods advertised and the characters were very well described. The dialogue was exceptional and fun to read. The spelling and grammar were excellent.

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