when an undead plague is unleashed on a small western mining town, a band of outlaws must travel across a developing America full of supernatural oddities to find a way to stop the forces of evil.
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26 pages |
6 years ago
Draft 1
Welcome to the weird west.
Based on the popular tabletop game and literary works, Deadlands imagines an old west universe populated by gunslingers, zombies, vampires, monsters and mystics. We follow bounty hunter Montana Jameson and his newly formed gang of outlaws as they fight their way across the desert landscape, through boomtowns and down into dark caves full of unspeakable horrors. Witness a shootout, a train robbery, teleporting bandits and an undead hanged man walking down main street. Violence, camp, and grisly terror serve as the back drop for this twisted twist on a classic genre.
The travels of a lone bounty Hunter in the dead winter of Mississippi, far from civilised land, hunts down his old slave overseer in the search for answers.
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