A family of three goes to the beach for a day. As day progresses, we watch the family gradually grow older, forcing the Mother to come to grips with reality of time...
Winner Draft #1
2 Reviews |
8 pages |
1 year ago
Draft 1
Mom, Dad, and Son arrive one morning at the beach. The parents are in their early 30s, while their son is only three. By mid-day, the parents are in their forties, and their Son is in his teens. As each hour progresses, Mom must come to grips with the quick and sudden passage of time as her Son and husband grow older faster and more sudden than she would like.
This needs to pick a path for the story.
-If it's a single day for this family, but time is speeding by, then things like attending school don't make sense. There would be more reaction and drama about time passing.
-If it's different days at the beach for the same family, that's ordinary life. Something needs to add interest and connection to the characters. Is there a challenge they go through over the lifetime that starts in the beginning? A...
A young police detective has another personality who has taken the form of his murdered twin. But what happens when this other personality wants to find his murderer?
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