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A romcom obsessed teen professes his love to a teddy bear


ScriptMother Award Nominee Icon
Nominee Draft #1


2 Reviews | 4 pages | 2 years ago | Draft 1
Joe is stuck in his head about a guy he likes. His phone is his god. When is he going to text? But in the meantime, who better to spill your heart out to than an old toy dog?

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You did an overall job with the structure, character, dialogue, and concept. It came together and made sense and left me as reader wanting more. Your logline drew me in. A simple idea could be written so many different ways and I wanted to see how you were going to pull the story off. I also liked the picture of the stuffed animal for your story. There were some minor problems with the structure but nothing I couldn't overlook. The character was...
Overall this was a nostalgic and fun read that I wish to be another 10 or 11 pages. Excellent work. There is no major issues that I can see. This is a very enjoyable read and I felt this would be a very simple for them to make will just be all about finding the right after. I often wonder why a Parent walk through the door just to make it even more awkward but, this wasn't that awkward it was lighthearted and funny.

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