Kiss Me feature

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A strip dancer is on a quest for revenge on the psychiatrist that ruined her childhood...




2 Reviews | 127 pages | 3 months ago | Draft 1
Beatrix is a stripper in Brisbane. She dances to pay her rent and put herself through school. One day, she kills a man in his home and goes to Sydney with her flatmate, on a quest for revenge she's been planning for a decade...

Industry Reviews

Overall, this was a solid thriller script that I could see being turned into a movie with some fine tuning. I would mainly recommend cutting back on the flashback scenes a bit so that the script doesn't feel like it's overstaying its welcome as well as removing filler dialogue and just fixing those weird formats. Glad I got to read and review this and good luck on future drafts!

Peer Reviews

Wow. I was not expecting to enjoy your script that much. I thought it was very well written with a very fleshed out main character and I really liked the ending. I think the pacing was fairly good but I think it dragged a little in the middle due to the flashbacks, it was kind of hard to keep track when in time where the movie was. I would also say flesh out the main character's mother more because I feel like I don't know her enough as well as t...

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