When a homicidal monster with a taste for human flesh attacks a chain gang, a former prosecutor sentenced for murder must flee, chained to a gangster he once sent to prison.
Convicted of murder for attempting to save his girlfriend from an attack by racist police officers, Peter Cooper ends up in the worst prison in Alabama. When a local Sheriff decides to reinstitute chain gangs, Peter has the misfortune of being chained to Levarius Creek, the leader of a violent drug gang he once prosecuted. But his real troubles only begin when the chain gang is beset by a hideous monster with a taste for human flesh. Chained to Levarius, accompanied by two human rights activists, Peter flees into Blood Woods, pursued by the Monster and the Sheriff. Who will come out of Blood Woods alive?
1. Concept - Obvious monster movies have been done several times, but it was definitely nice to have the use of prisoners and even chain gangs as a part of your concept/story.
2. Story - Although I liked the story overall, I personally felt like it didn't entirely know what it wanted to be since the first half and second halves of the script have a very different feel to them.
The fate of mankind rests on a germaphobe in his 70s when all the other residents in a remote carehome become possessed by a murderous parasitical demon.
When a small Arizona town is plagued by a series of horrific murders and sightings of a strange creature lurking in the forest, a former UFO hunter turned rookie cop reunites with her former crew to investigate the murders and uncover the truth before more lives are lost.
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