Rita's final stand against the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers ends in defeat for both sides. Both are forced to confront their weaknesses and learn to stand on their own as they try to be there for the ones they love.
Some parts aren't formatted properly, so please check your script for that.
The concept is good. The structure is nice and clear. The characters are almost perfect. The dialogue, even though some parts are really lengthy and uninteresting, still somewhat works out. And please forgive me when I say this, but the story sucks. Everything else is fine or even good, except for the story. The entire story is solely about fighting and dominance. Perh...
Overall it was a pretty fun story that had the heart of the original show I loved with a new twist. In the beginning it didn't really grab my attention. It felt like it took way to long to get interesting, and again that could just be a preference of mine. I'm not a fan of any movies I feel do too much character development. I really enjoyed the second half of the script, learning about Zordon's past, seeing Rita's development and seeing Tommy tu...
So reading your script was very difficult because of formatting issues. Please see for yourself when viewing in script mother so I do not know if that's on you on this hosting site but all of the action lines were clumped together and the dialogue as well.
This made it hard to visualize and progress through the story and keep up with the characters. This was because it was difficult to read in general.
In a world where man and magic are new, Enosh must battle two fallen angels, descendants of Cain, and monsters, otherwise mankind will never claim dominion of Earth.
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