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Laxus feature

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#Sci-Fi/Fantasy #War #Action/Adventure

Laxus is a nation in turmoil when political conspiracies with chaotic repercussions take hold of the ever-fragile government. The consequences? All-out war.




0 Reviews | 133 pages | 5 years ago | Draft 1
Laxus is reeling from war. Despite losing handedly, warmongers work to create additional hostilities within the Laxian government and with foreign agents. Lance Irion is caught in the middle. As a bodyguard to Prince Conroy Ghatu, his loyalty to the monarchy is automatic. After an encounter with a fugitive intelligence officer in which information about an international conspiracy is shared with him, Lance’s loyalty remains unquestioned. However, after noticing the progressions of conspiracy unfold in front of him, Lance cannot help but to act.

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