(Spec Script) Rick and Morty Season 6 Premiere: Morty What You Bargained For television

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#Comedy #Sci-Fi/Fantasy

Rick gets captured by a mysterious person. Morty has to figure out how to use the portal gun.


Winner Draft #1


2 Reviews | 19 pages | 1 year ago | Draft 1
Rick gets captured by an intelligent Jerry. He tells Morty through his dream because Morty falls asleep in math class, so Morty has to figure out how to get to Rick using his portal gun, Morty goes through crazy thrillers to get to Rick. Just for Rick to beat him down again.

Industry Reviews

Peer Reviews

Your main idea of Rick getting captured by a smart Jerry is a good premise for an episode I won’t lie.
But the direction you take the story in is just so mediocre it becomes boring to read. Morty doesn’t feel like Morty at all and your dialogue is just pure exposition.
Your screenplay is only 19 pages but it drags immensely. I’m sorry to say that this work you’ve done here is just boring. It’s the worst criticism and I don’t want to give it t...

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