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Screenplay Cover Image for Glorious>
Category: Feature
Logline: A traumatised ex-soldier, awakes stranded on a space station with six strangers, their memories wiped, orbiting a star about to explode in a deadly supernova. To escape, he must unravel a dark mystery in a frantic race against time.
Screenplay Cover Image for Glorious>
Category: Feature
Logline: A traumatised ex-soldier, awakes stranded on a space station with six strangers, their memories wiped, orbiting a star about to explode in a deadly supernova. To escape, he must unravel a dark mystery in a frantic race against time.
Screenplay Cover Image for Glorious>
Category: Feature
Logline: A traumatised ex-soldier, awakes stranded on a space station with six strangers, their memories wiped, orbiting a star about to explode in a deadly supernova. To escape, he must unravel a dark mystery in a frantic race against time.