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Screenplay Cover Image for I Wouldn't Touch That>
Category: Short
Logline: Two kids on a beach and a cadaver. What could go wrong?
Screenplay Cover Image for I Wouldn't Touch That>
Category: Short
Logline: Two kids on a beach and a washed-up sea creature. What could go wrong?
Screenplay Cover Image for Meredith>
Category: TV Series
Logline: In a liberated continent, young Queen Meredith, hailing from Congo, faces relentless enemies to safeguard Africa’s freedom.
Screenplay Cover Image for Meredith>
Category: TV Series
Logline: In a liberated continent, young Queen Meredith, hailing from Congo, faces relentless enemies to safeguard Africa’s freedom.
Screenplay Cover Image for How far does the apple fall?>
Category: Feature
Logline: A young couples quest to find love and forget their past. As dramatic and absurd as any good romantic comedy should be.