Genre: Drama,Action/Adventure,Crime After getting his hands destroyed and losing his music school scholarship, a talented young pianist teams up with a shady underworld prosthetic's doctor, to enact violent retribution against the crime lord responsible.
Genre: Animation,Sci-Fi/Fantasy This foray into CGI takes the audience into a world torn between the forces of good (led by Lennon, Cash and Dylan) and the forces of evil (led by Cooper, Osbourne and Gaga).
Genre: Drama In 1993, an eighth-grader attends a new school in Long Island and befriends two unlikely grunge-obsessed boys, who bring him into their band as the drummer.
Genre: Comedy,Drama,Family Newcomer Piper Merritt races to meet the demands of her band director father, fellow band members, and herself, in the world of high school band.
Genre: Drama,Comedy,Romance An Elvis Tribute Artist and a woman get thrown together after an accident leads him to believe he is the real Elvis Presley
Genre: Comedy,Drama,Romance An Elvis Tribute Artist gets thrown together with a female Elvis fan when an accident causes him to believe he is the real Elvis Presley.
Genre: Comedy,Drama,Romance An Elvis Tribute Artist gets thrown together with a female Elvis fan when an accident causes him to believe he is the real Elvis Presley.