Genre: Action/Adventure,Animation,Thriller After getting God's permission to resurrect a dead teen, Satan doesn't realize his biggest fear is about to come true.
Genre: Action/Adventure,Horror,Comedy After getting fed up with evil winning in the end of horror movies, a man decides to take matters into his own hands.
Genre: Horror,Mystery/Suspense Carrie's week is going miserably and camp doesn't seem to help. Neither does the fact that there's a killer loose on the campgrounds hellbent on being remembered by his childhood bullies.
Genre: Action/Adventure,Horror,Comedy After getting fed up with evil winning in the end of horror movies, a man decides to take matters into his own hands.
Genre: Action/Adventure,Horror,Comedy After getting fed up with evil winning in the end of horror movies, a man decides to take matters into his own hands.
Genre: Action/Adventure,Horror,Comedy After getting fed up with evil winning in the end of horror movies, a man decides to take matters into his own hands.
Genre: Action/Adventure,Animation,Horror The hot tempered anti-hero goes into Worry Woods after hearing a strange noise, only to find he might've met his match.
Genre: Action/Adventure,Horror,Comedy After getting fed up with evil winning in the end of horror movies, a man decides to take matters into his own hands.
Genre: Horror,Mystery/Suspense,Thriller Carrie's week is going miserably and camp doesn't seem to help. Neither does the fact that there's a killer loose on the campgrounds hellbent on being remembered by his childhood bullies.