Spiritual Awakening
by James Odulaja
117 pages
The Dragon and the Pendant
by Adam Velasquez
52 pages
Priority Mail
by Comicvs Brooks
93 pages
by Krunal Rangari
81 pages
Scripts tagged #afro-centric

Mage's Price feature

Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy,Action/Adventure
Everything has a cost. Real magic is different. Magic breaks the laws of the world. Jesse is soon to find out the mage's price.
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3 years ago | 1 reviews | 41 pages

Mage's Price feature

Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Everything has a cost. Real magic is different. Magic breaks the laws of the world. Jesse is soon to find out the mage's price.
Rating is only available to members
3 years ago | reviews | 56 pages

Mage's Journey feature

Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Enosh, the First Mage, must journey across ancient Africa to find the cure to save his wife.
Rating is only available to members
3 years ago | reviews | 28 pages

Mage's Journey feature

Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Enosh, the First Mage, must journey across ancient Africa to find the cure to save his wife.
Rating is only available to members
3 years ago | reviews | 44 pages

Mage's Journey feature

Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Enosh, the First Mage, must journey across ancient Africa to find the cure to save his wife.
Rating is only available to members
3 years ago | reviews | 62 pages

Mage's Price feature

Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy,Action/Adventure
Real magic breaks the laws of the world. Jesse is soon to find out the mage's price.
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3 years ago | 1 reviews | 86 pages

Uprising feature

Genre: Horror
A double dating couple enters a world succumbing to the dark eldritch god, Kassogtha. As the cosmic horror arrives, Noah, Norah, Skye, and Mikel must battle for their lives as the world approaches its end.
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2 years ago | reviews | 36 pages

Uprising feature

Genre: Horror
A double dating couple enters a world succumbing to the dark eldritch god, Kassogtha. As the cosmic horror arrives, Noah, Norah, Skye, and Mikel must battle for their lives as the world approaches its end.
Rating is only available to members
2 years ago | reviews | 22 pages


Hide and Seek
by i n
11 pages


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