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#Action #Adventure #Animation #Comedy #Crime #Drama #Family #Fantasy #History #Horror #Mystery #Romance #Sci-Fi #Thriller #War #Western

Screenplay Cover Image for Living in Penumbra Ep1 Between Light And Shadow>
Category: TV Series
Logline: A mischievous high school student faces a chaotic new reality after a horrific creature known as a wulver leaves her with the ability to become a wulver herself. Now she and her two best friends struggle for survival as maintaining this secret means keeping herself alive.
Screenplay Cover Image for SuperFreaks>
Category: Feature
Logline: A Scientist develops robotic high-tech technology for three everyday unsung Heroes; a Paraplegic, a Man born with no arms and no legs and a War Hero... who team up to combat the crimes of Steel Town.
Screenplay Cover Image for Earth's Doorstep>
Category: Feature
Logline: AGÑASIÑA must save her husband from government forces after their spaceship crashlands before time runs out.
Screenplay Cover Image for Earth's Doorstep>
Category: Feature
Logline: A husband and wife fight to reunite after their starship crashes. That maybe the least of humanity's trouble.