Spiritual Awakening
by James Odulaja
117 pages
The Dragon and the Pendant
by Adam Velasquez
52 pages
Priority Mail
by Comicvs Brooks
93 pages
by Krunal Rangari
81 pages
Scripts tagged #Inspiration

Reimagine short

Genre: Animation
We Are Born Creative Geniuses But Then Something Dumbs Us Down
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4 years ago | 2 reviews | 5 pages


Genre: Animation
We Are Born Creative Geniuses But Then Something Dumbs Us Down
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4 years ago | reviews | 4 pages
Genre: Drama,Comedy
When a self-indulgent motivational speaker is roped into performing with his estranged daughter in the town musical, he is forced to analyze his past, his morals, and his priorities in order to reinvent himself.
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3 years ago | 3 reviews | 119 pages
Genre: Drama,Comedy
When a self-indulgent motivational speaker is roped into performing with his estranged daughter in the town musical, he is forced to analyze his past, his morals, and his priorities in order to reinvent himself.
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3 years ago | reviews | 119 pages
Genre: Drama,Western
Adam challenging Charles Griffins unruly behavior towards his students in his Philosophy class is the reason behind Charles' discovery...
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3 years ago | reviews | 90 pages
Genre: Drama,Mystery/Suspense,Family
When Jackson goes missing a mother will do all she can to find him.
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3 years ago | reviews | 38 pages
Genre: Drama,Mystery/Suspense,Family
When Alex goes missing a mother will do all she can to find him.
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3 years ago | 2 reviews | 41 pages

Silent Star feature

Genre: Drama
While caring for a 10-year-old orphan, an impoverished pessimist tries to keep a shelter he unlawfully occupies from being demolished so the residents won't be evicted.
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1 year ago | reviews | 114 pages

Silent Star feature

Genre: Drama
While caring for a 10-year-old orphan, an impoverished pessimist tries to keep a homeless shelter he unlawfully occupies from being demolished so the residents won't be evicted.
Rating is only available to members
1 year ago | 1 reviews | 93 pages


Hide and Seek
by i n
11 pages


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