Category: Industry

1 year ago Movies Awards Industry
virtually every human on the planet between age 20-30 has spend the vast majority of their existence believing that the Oscars is an award ceremony for awful films.
2 years ago Movies Industry Television
If there's one activity that unites us all, it's TV shows. No matter your religion, gender or social status, it's always a guarantee that at the end of the day, you'll be firing up Netflix or HBOMax to catch up on your current favorite show. But for us screenwriters, TV shows aren't just a pastime. It's how we get inspiration for our own very own screenplays.
let's get to the best kept secret in the film industry: In the very near future, movies about social media influencers will be the next big thing in the film industry.
2 years ago Industry Television
Understanding the true reason behind Euphoria's success is what separates good screenwriters from bad screenwriters.
5 years ago Industry
Screenblogging [ skreen-blawg ] (noun) A form of blog writing that utilizes the art of screenwriting. Writing articles in screenplay format using dialogue, characters, and storytelling elements.